Book Reviews
Thank you to Foreward Publicity for a successful iRead Book Tour
Not only is this story cute, but the illustrations by Walter Policelli are realistic with bright colors that will keep the attention of children. It also teaches children to respect pets just as they should respect people.
This is a fun book to remind families and little readers that each pet is special and unique. I would definitely recommend it to dog loving readers and caregivers!
The book is easy to read to a child or with them. The pictures are very well drawn and fit the story perfectly. Enjoy reading!!
The lively, humorous illustrations of the book artfully capture the charming dynamics between the little boy and his furry friend. It's a story filled with love and joy. It will not only make young readers giggle all the way but will also get them familiarized with the names of commonly used items in daily life.
I am giving Are You a Pineapple? a very well deserved five plus stars. I highly recommend it for readers who are between the ages of four and eight. I can easily see it on the shelves in elementary school classrooms and in local public children’s libraries.
This is the perfect book for elementary classrooms, and any school or local library as well. I’m giving Are You A Pineapple? by Kathryn A. Zolman Five Stars.
The book reminds us (me) that we all have an identity that makes us, us. In this case, the dog's identity could not be found until the right name came into being. Wow!
The illustrations by Walter Policelli are amazing. They show the emotions of Kevin and Pineapple on every page. The font is easy to read, and the words are suitable for young readers.
The reactions just reminded me of my own puppies (who are now dogs, I guess.) See how happy the dog is when she finally chooses her name. Illustrations were so adorable and colorful. A fun read for all ages to enjoy!
Parents of younger children will enjoy this book with their child. It is a great read aloud if a new puppy is in the family. It is a short book and I’m sure some kiddos will ask parents to read it again and again.
We loved that the dog was so involved with the story. I also love that this is based off a real life story. The pictures match well with the story. The writing flows nicely. This would make a perfect edition to any child's library.
I think readers of all ages (but especially much younger readers) will love this story. It's cute. It's fun. It's whimsical. And it showcases the love between a boy and his dog. What's not to like? It's easy to read, with lovely illustrations, and kids will want to come back to it again and again.
5 stars!
The illustrations are well-drawn and the bright colors would catch the eye of any young child. It's an easy-to-read story that a brother or sister could read to a younger sibling. The simple message is one any child can understand.
My kids laughed and laughed at some of the possible names that could have been chosen. What a perfect name for a perfect dog, Pineapple!
I liked this story; the feeling of happiness and excitement is permeated throughout. It is an exciting time anyway to get a new pet, add naming the pet, and finding the right name makes it all the more special.
What a CUTE puppy story!! I absolutely love Kevin and his new puppy, and I loved watching how he and Pineapple worked together to pick out her perfect name.
I love the hardbacked copy, written by Kathryn A. Zolman. The beautifully printed book is on the best paper and the illustrations by Walter Policelli are excellent. I look forward to reading this book to my grandchildren.
I loved this cute story of a boy and his puppy. He wants to pick a name that is as special ash his puppy. As Kevin tries various names for the puppy, it’s less then enthused. However, when he tries the work pineapple, the dog responds positively. I love the bond between these two. It is true love and highlights how each animal really does bring their own personality to the mix
Content based on actual events that took place in Kevin and the pup’s lives greatly enhances the book’s appeal and makes it a pleasure to read. Naturally, it also makes the message more engaging and interesting.
This is such a cute picture book. The illustrations are playful, showing the joy of having a pet and choosing her to be a best friend. At the end of the book the author even shares what inspired the story. Early readers will certainly enjoy this little tale.
The illustrations by Walter Policelli are well-defined, fun, and full of expression. The hard copy book is very well made with quality, glossy pages. This book will surely endure many hours of reading for many years. It is a sturdy book for any library.
I offer a Five Stars rating.
I really loved this very fun story. I loved the illustrations and the story. I loved that this shows in such a wonderful way how to name a pet. I recommend reading this book to young children of all ages.
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